Sunday, June 2, 2013


I need to get fit but i don`t know how! Can anyone help me?

I think that i can help you! first you need a regular feeding. If you eat in breakfast a lot you can`t eat a lot in lunch and eat regular in dinner but can`t be after seven o`clock. You need eat something three in three hours but you can only eat little.

You can`t eat greasy food. If you realy want be slim you to need healthy foods. Healthy foods will help you because give vitamines that you will need to do some exercises.
Most importantly, you should have a exercise on your live. Exercises need be frequently in your live. Every day you need to do some exercise this is the most importantly it will make you lose a few kilograms.

Saturday, March 9, 2013


   Television today is so important for everybody. With the television you can watch the News, movies, cartoons. The TV can also join families and that is so hard today. The television was a great evolution for man and is very important for the today.

   First advantages, the TV helps a lot in our world, with the TV we can know what's happening on the other side of the world. Secondlly, when you have nothing to do the TV is a great alternative. In it you can see movies, cartoons, news, novels and more. Finally, the "NET" have "NOW", "NOW" is like a rental of movies, and you can see that movies you want and when you want.

   First disadvantages, some boys are addicting on TV and they are stopping to study and losing a great time a great time of their lives. Secondly, unfortunalety the TV can give you some news that are not true. The "panico", TV program, showed it last year. Finally, the TV can bring some problems for us like us vision, depression and more. After 2 hours in TV cause lake of concentration.

   In conclusion, today is so hard one person that doesn't have a TV in their home. With the TV you can find out the news around the world. TV makes everyone informed and it is essential to people to stay aware of current world.

Estevao Faiad